Welcome! Thanks for visiting our website. We hope this site will help

you get a glimpse of who we are and what we offer here at Mt. Moriah. Whether you are exploring the Christian faith for the first time or you are seeking to deepen an existing relationship with YAH, we would


be delighted to join with you on your spiritual journey. We invite you to visit Mt. Moriah this weekend. We think you’ll find our people to be friendly and our services to be encouraging and uplifting.

At Mt. Moriah we are all about helping you find your spot – the one YAH designed just for you.  We have many ways for you to begin connecting with people and ministries.  Explore the possibilities!

If you have already attended a worship service at Mt. Moriah Church, we would appreciate your feedback.  We would like you to fill out a survey, please choose one of the links below:

First-Time Guest Survey
Second-Time Guest Survey