Everyone wants to be spiritually mature but in reality, there are no shortcuts. It is a process and it takes time. Back in the day they used to have something called testimony service – it was held after devotion service (pre-praise and worship). If you are from the “old church”, you know that it started with “…I thank YAH for saving me, sanctifying me and filling me with the Holy Ghost…”. Afterwards you would talk about the good things that YAH has done. I never knew what sanctifying meant until a lot later, even though I used it when I testified.
Sanctification is defined as the action or process of being freed from sin or purified. In essence it is becoming spiritually mature. Paul said, after hearing that he may be jailed in every city that he will go to, “but none of these things move me” (Act 20:24). That’s spiritually mature! He also says in Eph 4:14 to be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine. It is all about growing to not be moved by circumstances and consequences but using faith to obey YAH lead and will.
How do you get there? The same way you get anywhere else that is far away…you take the journey. When you first give your life to Jesus, you are like a baby because you are born into a new life in Christ. You have to learn how to walk in the spirit and not fulfill the lusts (desires) of the flesh (Galatians 5:16). It is a new way of life. It is like learning to walk. Baby steps. You will start by thinking it’s impossible to live without sinning. You will see others walking in the spirit and their godly character and be inspired. You will try to stand up and after a while you will fall. Then you will go a little further without giving in to sin. Eventually, you may find you need the grace of YAH. Understand that your diligence is a part of the process of sanctification.
The need for grace is for new believers learning to walk, not older people that want to live a lifestyle of sin. The Bible says, YAH forbid. So, baby steps are what are expected for new believers. It is like failing forward. For those who are older, your goal should be to help nurture, like older siblings do. Spiritual maturity is a process, it happens as a result of godly choices, not necessarily time. You can be saved a while and still be spiritually immature. The more godly choices and sacrifices we make the more we grow spiritually. You are becoming more like YAH. Spiritual maturity is a process just like learning to walk. Whatever stage you find yourself in, there is always room for growth.