Thank you for your support to Mt Moriah Tabernacle of Faith.

Because of your financial support and generosity, you have planted the seeds that will enable our church to grow in our community, and provide a church home for you and others. Thank you for answering the call to contribute to God’s work here at Mt Moriah TFC.

In an effort to offer several giving options to our congregation, we have introduced a new giving service through a partnership with Easy Tithe. Easy Tithe is a church-focused donation processing service. The service provides several fast, secure, and safe ways to donate to your church. It also gives donors the ability to set up personal accounts to track past giving and set up automatic giving.

There are several options in which to donate to Mt Moriah TFC:

1. Bank Bill Pay:

You can set up an automatic donation through your personal bank’s bill pay feature. Simply mail your donation to:

Mt. Moriah Tabernacle of Faith
P.O. Box 156
Easley, SC 29641-0156

2. Easy Tithe Website:                              Giving Button Give through Easy Tithe

We offer a safe and secure online giving website:

3. Easy Tithe Mobile:

Smartphone users can utilize their devices to donate electronically and manage their personal accounts.

iPhone: Download the Easy Tithe app from the App Store.

Android/Other: Visit your phone browser. You can download the app and log in from this page.